Published Volumes, Issues, and Articles
Volume 7 (2021/2022)
- Costs of Coercion: Predicaments of Chinese Statecraft in the Asia-Pacific
- Is Tax Reform the Solution to Sexual Violence in Papua New Guinea?
- China’s Five Year Plan For The Construction of a Rule Of Law (2020-2025)
- Military Effects on Political Stability: A Seemingly Unrelated Regression (Sur) Model Applied To MENA Countries
Volume 6 (2020)
Issue 1 & 2 (December)
- The Russian Federation’s Policies Toward the Korean Security Crisis: Moscow’s Pivot Toward China
- Xi Jinping and His New Zhijiang Army: A Perspective from Social Network Analysis.
- Challenges and Prospects in the Counter Terrorism Approach to Boko Haram: 2009 – 2018.
- Russia as a Great Power? A Case Study of Southeast Asia.
- Is Democracy a Prerequisite for Economic Growth? A Sectoral Analysis of Authoritarian Capitalism in Rwanda’s Coffee Sector.
- In Defense of Vital Interests: United Nations and Anglo-American Diplomacy in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970
- Approaching East Asia: the EU’s Foreign Policy towards China and Japan.
- The New Government of Zimbabwe: A Distant Relationship with China?
- Book Review – Christian Imperialism: Converting the World in the Early American Republic.
- Book Review – Asphatronics: On the Way to the Global Security Theory.
Volume 5 (2019)
Issue 1 & 2 (December)
- Japan’s Defense Diplomacy in South East Asia.
- Addressing the Crimes of Torture and Enforced Disappearances in Latin America.
- Book Review – Ethiopia and the Nile: Dilemmas of National and Regional Hydropolitics.
- EU as Principal-Orchestrator: Horizontal Policy Externalisation through Intermediaries.
- Sunni Iraqi Women After the ‘Caliphate’: Why Have They Been Ignored?
- Vladimir Putin and the “Stalin Myth:” How Russia’s President Invokes Stalin to Fortify His Political Stature.
- Border Management: Case Study of Torkhum Border, Pakistan.
Volume 4 (2018)
- The HIPC initiative and its impact on health and education expenditures.
- Voters’ Sentiment and Propensity to Vote in The Wake of Internal Squabbling in Election Management Bodies: The Case of Ghana’s Electoral Commission.
- Risk, Pre-crime and Counterterrorism: Assessing Pakistan’s Approach.
- A Tinted Politics of Memory: Anniversaries Caught between Political Camps in Taiwan in 2017.
- Five Limitations: Political Science Applied to The Non-West.
- Mazu Nation: Pilgrimages, Political Practice, and the Ritual Construction of National Space in Taiwan.
- Make Live and Let Die: Why Creative People are not so Creative to Solve Social Problems?
- Maritime Dispute Settlement in the South China Sea: The Case of the Philippines – China Arbitral Awards and Implications.
- The Future of the Outer Space Treaty – Peace and Security in the 21st Century.
- Utilisation of Drones and Resulting Strain: Evidence from Pakistan’s Case.
Volume 3 (2017)
- UNRWA and the Palestinian Precedent: Lessons From the International Response to the Palestinian Refugee Crisis.
- Including the Crime of Terrorism Within the Rome Statute: Likelihood and Prospects.
- Islamist Forces, Political Reordering of Libya and Exiles in Cairo.
- From Immigrants to Sex Offenders: The Case of a Failed Integration System in Norway.
- GATS-Minus Trade Agreements: Why the Managerial School Does not Apply.
- A Presumptive Right to Exclude: From Imposed Obligations To A Viable Threshold.
- Centrifugal Empire: Central-Local Relations in China. By Jae Ho Chung. Columbia University Press, 2016.
- The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century. By Stein Ringen. Hong Kong University Press, Distributed by Columbia University Press, 2016.
- The Displaced.
- American Unipolarity: The Uneven Distribution of Power.
- Influencing the EU’s Foreign Policy on Asylum and Migration: Populist Political Dynamics and Cooperation with (Un)safe Third Countries.
- Populism and Foreign Policy: Deepening Divisions and Decreasing Efficiency.
- The Rise of Populism and the Future of NATO.
Volume 2 (2016)
- War as the Autoimmune Disease of Humanity: Perspectives on a Theoretical Proposal.
- Shifting Sands: The United States, Great Britain, and the Muslim Brotherhood, 1945-1954.
- The People’s Republic of China’s Pro Status Quo Approach in Cross-Strait Relations.
- Diplomatic Relations with the DPRK: India as a Global Case Study.
- Visual Metaphors in North Korean Graphic Novels for Children.
- The Manipulation of History in South Korea seen through the Lens of Francis Bacon’s Four Idols .
- Hartmut Elsenhans and a Critique of Capitalism, Conversations on Theory and Policy Implications. By Neil Wilcock and Corina Scholz. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
- Interview with H.E. Vasyl Marmazov, Ambassador of Ukraine to Seoul.
- The Human Use of Human Beings: Suicide Bombing, Technological Innovation, and the Asymmetry of Modern Warfare.
- The Origins of Chinese Dissidents in American Foreign Policy.
- New Approach of South Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy: Focusing on Global Agenda Setting.
- Road to Rapprochement: Establishment of the 1972 United States’ Visit to the People’s Republic of China Through the Pakistani Channel.
- The Shortcoming of Arbitration in the Modern World: the Third Parties Limitation.
- Jihadi Brides: why do Western Muslim Girls Join ISIS?
Volume 1 (2015)
- Transnational Theory, Global World: Theory Matters, Not Geography.
- The Hungarian Connection: the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and its Impact on Mao Zedong’s Domestic Policies in the late 1950s.
- Big Frog in a Small Pond or a Giant of Asia? Understanding the Political Leadership Style of Lee Kuan Yew.
- The Asian Gold Rush: a Critique to the Win-Win Chinese Strategy Towards Africa.
- Convergence or Divergence in Future? Comparative Analysis between the WTO SCM Agreement and the Agreement on Agriculture.
- The Power of Cinema on the Korean Peninsula.
- Aspects of Israeli Deterrence With a View to South Korean Applicability.