Road to Rapprochement: Establishment of the 1972 United States’ Visit to the People’s Republic of China through the Pakistani Channel

Sunwoo Vivian Lee

Global Politics Review
Vol. 2, No. 2 (October 2016): 58-73
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1238537
GPR ID: 2464-9929_v02_i02_p058
Published: 30 October 2016

Abstract: This short paper examines President Nixon’s approach to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) using Pakistan as the channel of communication during Nixon’s early years of presidency. The paper first explores the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations’ attitudes towards the PRC then discusses Pakistan’s relationship and position between the United States and the PRC between the first and second Indo-Pakistani War. With the introduction of Nixon’s “grand objective” to bring Communist China inwards, Nixon’s efforts to establish formal relations with the PRC is highlighted. This effort later contributed to the US-PRC normalization on January 1, 1979, through the Joint Communiqué.

Keywords: rapprochement, Nixon, normalization, Pakistan, communication channel, grand objective.

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