GPR vol. 2, no. 1 (April 2016)
- War as the Autoimmune Disease of Humanity: Perspectives on a Theoretical Proposal
David Tibor Teszár - Shifting Sands: The United States, Great Britain, and the Muslim Brotherhood, 1945-1954
John Perry - The People’s Republic of China’s Pro Status Quo Approach in Cross-Strait Relations
Elisa Gambino - Diplomatic Relations with the DPRK: India as a Global Case Study
Justin Kim-Hummel - Visual Metaphors in North Korean Graphic Novels for Children
Jacco Zwetsloot
- The Manipulation of History in South Korea seen through the Lens of Francis Bacon’s Four Idols
David Andrew Tizzard
Book Reviews
2016 CC BY-NC 4.0 Global Politics Review – Published by ARISS – ISSN 2464-9929